July 2025

Welsh Weekender. Friday the 4th of July to Sunday the 6th of July 2025

£235pp - North and South Wales. Limited to 10 cars. Based on 2 people per car.

Explore the beautiful country of Wales in this weekend adventure.

Staying in Hotels every both nights this is a complete round trip from start to finish.  As part of the trip you will receive information about your route for each day, showing the amazing roads we are there to explore but also including fuel locations & food locations, and of course the destination hotel for the night. This does not include entry fees for Portmeirion.

The Route

Setting off from England into North Wales

We set off from a location just over the border still in England, before convoying down into Wales, heading near Wrexham before over the tops towards the coast.

Across the top to the coast

We cross some beautiful landscapes as we head towards Portmeirion and the north coast of Wales. The scenery here can rival anywhere in Europe, you won't be disappointed. 

Staying in the foothills of giants

Staying in the valleys formed by Snowdonia, this stunning landscape attracts cars, bikes and even the RAF for pleasure. Good food venues around the hotel, including Fish and Chips since we're by the sea.

Down to the Brecon Beacons

The second day we move south across the heart of Wales before reaching the amazing Brecon Beacons. More amazing views on the menu for today.

Final night in Abergavenny

We finish our two day tour of Wales just east of the Beacons, again with fantastic food venues around the hotel to celebrate the tours completion. 

Trip End

This is a round trip, which ends by going back up north towards where we entered Wales from England 2 days earlier. If you're coming from the south of our start point, then this is an optional final leg and you can go elsewhere.

Check out a video of last years trip

This isn't a race or guided event, so there's no award for arriving first or early, you'll simply get less enjoyment of the roads were going there to enjoy. This is a navigational road trip, with suggested routes & end location, you don't have to follow the route we provide of course, but we have selected this based on what we think are the best roads in the area, and they best way to enjoy them. Our staff and support cars drive the same route at the same time you do. 

This trip is approximately 500 miles from start to finish, and there is no scheduled night driving. We aim to give lots of time each day for relaxing and socialising as well as driving, to keep things balanced; we have no deadlines or time constraints either. Go at your own pace. 

The trip is based around 2 people sharing one car, with the hotels rooms based on 2 people staying. If you're traveling single, or in a larger group, please let us know and we can price accordingly.

All cars are welcome, anything for £1000 hatchback to a supercar can join us. The adventure; roads, views & people make the trip what it is, the cars just let that happen. We do however recommend that if you can, use a car of sporting nature, to maximise your enjoyment.

This trip requires the full upfront balance paid. The full balance must be paid via the Stripe Payment links on the book now page by the 3rd of May 2025 to attend. 

Looks like something you want to be part of? 

Get in touch or book with us now